ECTS assessment Visits of Tempus Individual Experts to Medical Faculty at TeSaU
Telavi, Georgia


ECTS of Individual Expert Dr. Daniel Weber

1st Visit – January , 2010 (working days 3th-4th)

1st day 3.01. – Discussion of diplomatic dentistry educational program curricula;
2nd day 4.01 – Discussion of the contents of the syllabuses included in the program;
3rd day 5.01 – Making it like the program of the University of Marburg;
4th day 6.01 – (morning) watching over the bases of teaching, library, dentist clinic, clinic of the university “Salbuni” (meeting with the students)

2nd Visit - January 19.01 - 21.01:
1st day - Discussion of changes in the content of the program;
2nd day - Discussion of educational materials gifted by German colleges;
3rd day - Making strategic future relationship between the Medical faculty of Tesau and stomatologic clinic of Philips-Marburg University
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